South East Europe Technology in Radiation Oncology
is the Regional Congress of RTTs (Radiation Technologists/Radiation TherapisTs) in the South East European region, in cooperation with the wider European RTT community.
The initiative for this Congress as a regional cooperation between countries came out as a positive feedback from the ESTRO/IAEA Train the Trainers project called: „Best Practice in Radiation Oncology – A Course to Train RTT Trainers“. South Eastern European countries that participated in this initiative developed a series of locally organised courses, which in time through collaboration between these countries grew and finally resulted in a collaborative Regional concept of professional meeting. The first Regional Congress of RTTs (Radiation Technologists/Radiotherapists) was held in Belgrade in 2013, and was a huge success. We believe that through this years Congress and many to come, we will carry on with the enthusiasm, cooperation and professional development that has so far prooven to be a great experience.
JOIN US IN 2015!